Assassin Creed Rebellion

Hello everybody and welcome back to JoeBro's GameShow!
Before we get started I wanted to say thank you again for coming to my blog!

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This game has got to be the cutest game I'll review this year! This game really came from
the shadows, it's: Assassin's Creed Rebellion for iOS/Android!

If you're looking to play an Assassin's Creed game that handles like the console
then Assassin's Creed Rebellion may not be for you. Not to say that it's bad, but it takes
a different approach when it comes to the game play. Instead of the normal freestyle
running, like we're used to, Rebellion uses a turn based system for moving around a
map, and while fighting.

While I don't mind the turn by turn style of play, I was expecting more of the original
style of game play. In my honest opinion I'm glad that it's not an open world game. I love
Assassin's Creed, but with the open world feature I always have to have my attention
on the game; but with the way this game goes, I can do things while playing it because
both of my hands are tied to a controller.

I'm a big 'story' kind of guy and Rebellion gives me just that. From the side quests to
the Main Story, there's always something to read that helps put the pieces together; and
that's what I love about Rebellion. All the pieces of info are there, you just have to read it.
That being said, the game follows the same idea that the main series has, finding the
piece of Eden.

What about this game makes it so great?

While the game doesn't have the same caliber of detail that The Room has, it's still
a visually pleasing game! All your assassins have gone from normal sized to little
chibi characters, which I find to be super adorable! The characters may not blink
but it's very funny to see little avatars running around on screen like their larger relatives
who are on the console.

Another thing about this game that makes it so great is that even though it's not like the original, you're not loosing the Assassin's Creed experience when you play it. The game is still the same in the way the story is portrayed , and how the assassins take down their enemies.  Whenever I play I'm not disappointed, or bored; I play it like I would any other game because it keeps my attention.

Also, like the other games the score is right on. When I'm either at my HQ, which I've aptly named JoeBro Brotherhood, or when I'm actually on a mission, the music delivers. The creators really made sure that the music evokes certain feelings while you're playing. When you're on a main mission the music swells and has a fast pace to give you the sense of the thrill; like you're actually on the mission. It's nuances like that that make a game so great!

There has to be one thing you don’t like about the game?

One critique about this game is that it's a little difficult to follow the story. I've only
been playing it for about a week, and I understand and grasp what the story is, like most
of you will too when you play, but this game doesn't make the main story easy for you.
While everyone likes a challenge, I think this game does things a little strange.
In game there's only one way to train your assassins and that's to put them in the training
room, and you use codex pages to level them up. You can either wait twenty minutes for
you assassin to be trained or you can fast forward with some DNA Fragments.

This is where I think the game fails: because in order to do the main story line, you have
to really train your assassins. If you don't meet the power requirements then you might
as well not do that mission because you're sure to be wiped out by the enemies (not 100%
but I've found it better to go in with your assassins leveled up just to be on the safe side).
But in order to level up you need the codex pages/books, and in order to get those you
have to do some side missions. That I don't mind but I feel that the side quests take
away from the main story. Yes they may help fill in some gaps of info about the Templar,
but when I play a game, I want to get lost in the story.

Why play this game over another?

This game unlike the other Assassin's Creed games is a little better in the way the game is
paced. In the console games I feel that the game just progresses a little too quickly for my liking, but Rebellion I feel like I can take my time and play this game. I may loose some of the story, but I get to play this game when I want.

This game is a very adorable game and I love Assassin's Creed but I feel like there's
something missing to this game. Although it's not the original style of the game play, but
it has it's own charm. I do enjoy playing this game and watch my little assassins run
over the map spreading their tiny malice, but when it comes down to it I think the game
really excels at strategy. If you like to plan your missions out, and make sure
you have everything you need for a flawless mission then this game is for you. Each assassin can be equipped with certain weapons and armor, and each one has a special role they play.

With that being said, I do really think you should try this game a spin because it's a fun game to play, and if you have some time to kill before going somewhere, or you want to relax at home all you have to do is plug in your phone and let you assassins do their job.

JoeBro’s Rating:

We’ve finally reached that point in the post where I get to tear the game apart;
with love of course! While I do truly love this game, I’m not timid about saying what
I really think about a game.

So while you’re downloading the game here’s are my ratings:
(On a scale from 1 - 10)

Graphics: 9
Artwork: 10
Music: 10
Story: 7
Difficulty: 8
Controls: 10
Content: 9



Thank you so much for reading my blog post!
It really means a lot that you took the time out of your day to check me out! I hope this
review helped you decide whether Assassin's Creed Rebellion is the game for you!

Tune in next week when I review another game! Have a good day!

P.s. If you want me to review a game, leave a comment below and I will definitely check it out!


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