The Room

Hello everybody and welcome back to JoeBro's GameShow!
Before we get started I wanted to say thank you again for coming to my blog!

If you’re itching to play an escape the room game on your phone,
then your only choice to pick from is a game series named, “The Room”.

The Room is a pay to play puzzle game full of suspense, mystery
and a new element: the Null element.
The Null is a new element created by AS, and although we don’t know who AS is,
he or she left some clues behind for you to follow. Prepare to open up a door into
the world of The Room and be prepared for the puzzles that lie ahead.

The Room was made by Fireproof games in 2012, by Chris, Tony, and
fifteen other wonderful men. Although I wasn’t there for the official release date, I
have been with The Room Series since the first game. It’s kept my attention, and engaged
me in a thrilling adventure and you all will follow suit.

What about this game makes it so great?

Well for starters, most people look at something and decide whether or not to play it
based on the graphics. Don’t worry about that with game. The artwork in the first game
is amazing, and you’ll be sucked into The Room and forget about the real world. The graphics
are amazing for a mobile game, and I mean amazing. Try swiping around to look at the cabinet in
the first level. You’ll be amazed at how effortlessly you glide through the game searching for
clues. It’s like cutting butter with a hot knife.

But JoeBro, you ask, won’t my phone get hot and crash the app on my phone? That
shouldn’t be an issue if you’re playing on one of the devices approved by Fireproof games.
This game has creators that are very involved with their audience which makes the game
just that much more fun to play; but it also works to your advantage because it means
they’re always updated their games to run as smoothly as possible.

Another thing I really did enjoy about the game was the musical score. It addition to the
dark rooms, cryptic messages left by AS, this game also features a track that evokes a
sense of wonder as well as terror. The score not only uses swells and dips in the music
to evokes the sense of uneasy, they have sound effects that trigger your brain to sense it
as creepy; like a weird cry in the music, or having the floorboards creak. My personal favorite
is the footsteps you can hear every so often.

There has to be one thing you don’t like about the game?

Admitly, like all games there’s something that bothers me about the game. This game
was made to confuse people and to have them look at the finer details of the game, but sometimes
it’s hard to figure out what does what and how one thing affect another. I’m not saying that I have
a problem with the way the game is set up, but more at the fact that there are “hints” in
the game. If you’re stuck on a part in a certain level a like circle with a ? in is appears.
These give a little hint about the level, but never a direct answer. Also depending on what
you’re trying to solve, the game will give you a certain amount of hints for that one part.
Personally, I try not to use the hints in any game until it’s a last resource. For me, it
takes the fun away from actually solving the puzzle.

Another small thing I would say The Room performs poorly in is the zoom in and out of certain
parts. The Room has you pinch to zoom out, and a double tap to zoom in,
but sometimes it doesn’t always work which frustrates even the calmest of players
but when compared to the rest of the game, it’ll seem insignificant.

Why play this game over another?

When I first played The Room, I played it religiously. I spent time on unlocking
its secrets, and listening to the music that would get my blood flowing. When I finished the
game the first time I was presented with a message:

I immediately scoured the internet and found a second room was in the works with
no real release date. I was crushed, and so I did what anyone else would do: I searched the
app store for another puzzle, escape the room game. But none of them could compete with
The Room. I was like trying to compare a diamond with a piece of coal. Luckily for you, the
reader, you don’t have to endure the suffering of waiting for the sequel because it’s already
been made!

In my opinion, The Room cannot be beat. This game is on a different level when it
comes to mobile games. While some look just as good, they can’t capture the essence of
what is The Room. It’s not just a game, it’s an experience and a damn good one that’s worth
every second of your time.

JoeBro’s Rating:

We’ve finally reached that point in the post where I get to tear the game apart;
with love of course! While I do truly love this game, I’m not timid about saying what
I really think about a game.

So while you’re downloading the game here’s are my ratings:
(On a scale from 1 - 10)

Graphics: 9
Artwork: 10
Music: 10
Story: 8
Difficulty: 8
Controls: 10
Content: 8



Thank you so much for reading my first blog post!
It really means a lot that you took the time out of your day to check me out! I hope this
review helped you decide whether The Room was the game for you or not!

Tune in next week when I review another game! Have a good day!


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