Choice of Games

Hello everybody and welcome back to JoeBro's GameShow!
Before we get started I wanted to say thank you again for coming to my blog!

How would you like to read a story that had you as the main character?
Well all your wildest dreams can come true with the game of the week:

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I am very fond of choose your adventure games; heck, I play Dungeons and Dragons! So it was no surprise that I gravitated to this game. This game took my love for reading and made it interesting. And the best part about the stories is they are not made by a company (well a few are). They all work for Choice of Games (COG), but it isn't their main job all the time. These are people who enjoy writing, and the way they write is very pleasing.

When you get into the game you will be brought to the main, large library where you can search for any kind of story you want. There's Fantasy, Alt-History, Historical Sci-Fi, Adventure, and so many more you can choose from! There's a little heart where you can put your favorites into your library so you can play them later. Personally, I like to do one at a time, that way I can really get into the story and become whatever kind of person I can be!

What is this game about?

There is no real directive to this game. There's no prize to win. No high score to beat. It's just a very relaxing way to enjoy a good story, because truthfully, you, the player, are making it a good story.

The only way to describe this game would be to say it's VR without the glasses. I get lost in a world in Psy-High, a story about teenagers with powers, or even Choice of the Dragon, where you're literally play as a dragon! Each story may be different but they sometimes have overlapping qualities. Maybe some more choices are made, or maybe you choose what kind of pants you wear to the prom. In the case below, the game is asking what kind of dragon you want to be: evil, good, and even sarcastic.
(This is from the Choice of the Dragons story)

Surprisingly enough this game you're not running around blind in the game. You do actually see the stats of the game to show you important info like, who likes you and who doesn't. Sometimes, a story will keep track about how much money you have. It's nice to have a place to keep all the info, that way I can play the game so closely. I think this feature was a very well thought out one in the game.
There's also achievements in the game if you choose certain texts or make the story go in a certain way, which means you can play over an over again and get all these different milestones making each play through different.
(This is from the Psy-High story)

What about this game makes it so great?

Well for starters, it helps me with my vernacular if you can believe it. I've learned a few new words recently and different meanings for old one's as well, and another great thing about this game is it allows you to customtize the person you play as. They are very, very inclusive when it comes to the LGBTQIA+ community. It really touches my heart I'm not forced to play a straight character (not to say that I don't like straight characters; I do like them) but it helps build yourself as a character, but also it's funny to see what kind of people I can have my character date. ;D

(This is from the Psy-High story)

I know I mentioned this just above, but it really makes the stories more memorable because someone spent the time and effort to put all this work in and they do it in such a really nice way. The characters are very likeable - sometimes too cliché, but still good - and the options given to you the choice to be whatever you want, another thing that I love about it. Also in the "About" tap for a game, they sometimes have an except about the author, which helps break down the wall between author and reader. They also tell you who they are as a company as well, which helps us feel better about them because I know they're not in it for the money (which is not a horrible philosophy), but it makes it seem better.

There's has to be one thing you don't like?

While I've been talking about how great this game is in terms of story and characters, but sometimes the story will lack a little details, or not enough detail, which can be irritating.

Another thing I don't like about the game is that you do have to pay for a good number of stories; and the good one's usually cost money. The first part of most stories are free, but to unlock it all you have to pay. I've never see a game higher than $6.99 but that's a good price for a nice choose your own adventure book. Plus some of the money goes to the actual writers so I don't mind supporting them. 

Why play this game over another?

This game is a good amount of reading, but that helps sharpen your mind; plus it helps when you're stuck between books. It also saving some trees because it's all digital, which I really like at well, and reading helps with your memory improvement, writing skills, imagination, and it helps improve your vocabulary. The authors really put in their own little flair to the way they write, but it's a great way to learn new words. That way when you look them up and then use them, people will think you're smart.

It's also fun and entertaining because of the diversity of the game. It really allows you to be yourself, and gives you not just a boring old story. It gives romance, action, drama, and sometimes it's really funny the way characters interact with you or others; and sometimes it's sad if things don't go your way. Like I said, it's VR without the goggles.

Finally, I know there's other choose your own story games with the actual people on screen walking around, but personally it never captured my interest because most of the time the ads I see for it involve so kind of high school drama, or someone cheating on someone else, and I don't want drama. I want to go off and fight a dragon, or sneak around a house at midnight to try and uncover some clues. I've played the "Episodes - Choose Your Story", on the app store and I wasn't too fond of it; but just because it wasn't for me mean it you won't enjoy it, so give it a try if you really dare.

JoeBro’s Rating:
We’ve finally reached that point in the post where I get to tear the game apart;
with love of course! While I do truly love this game, I’m not timid about saying what
I really think about a game.

So while you’re downloading the game here’s are my ratings:
(On a scale from 1 - 10)
*Note: for this game since it's mostly
texted based, the aspects of scoring
are different this time around*

Characters: 9
Vocabulary: 10
Relatable: 8.5
Engagement/Entertainment: 10
Artwork: 8 (On the story covers)
Story: 10
Difficulty: 5
Controls: 10
Content: 10



Thank you so much for reading my blog post!
It really means a lot that you took the time out of your day to check me out! I hope this
review helped you decide whether Choice of Games is the game for you!

Tune in next week when I review another game! Have a good day!

P.s. If you want me to review a game, leave a comment below

and I will definitely check it out!


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