Light It Up

Hello everybody and welcome back to JoeBro's GameShow!
Before we get started I wanted to say thank you again for coming to my blog!

In this game of the week, you'll be jumping for joy when you
Light it Up, Up, Up!

Like the Fall Out Boy song: this game is called Light it Up

Light it Up is just your average stick man in a whole new world. Stuck in the air with only the boxes to hop to, you have to time your jumps, and make sure you stick that landing. The levels are amazing and they are always keeping my on my toes. From the crazy shapes that they have you jump to, to the skins to make your stick-man look cool; they made sure that this game kept your attention.

Crazy Labs did a very good job with this in my opinion! Their app runs smooth, and never crashes on me which is great! Their idea was solid and they execution was flawless. To be honest, I was expecting this game to be a little cheesy but it turned out to be a great game I keep coming back to play!

What is this game about?

The objective of this game is to jump from one block to another lighting all of them up in order to complete a level. Each level is different from the last and as you go further into the levels, the more challenging they get. From new weird shaped boxes, to the shapes spinning or moving in a certain direction; it can make the game a bit more difficult. I've found myself a few times during a level trying to figure out how to complete it, and it was about the tenth try did i finally figure it out!

 Another thing about this game is there are stars you can collect in each level, only three, but these stars help you gain more points in each level. They are a little hard to get to sometimes, and with the ability to only jump twice before landing makes getting them somewhat challenging. Most of my hardship in this game has been from jumping off by accident or misjudging the distance to a shape because I wanted to get that star. (Mostly because I'm a try hard at all the games I play) 

What about this game makes it so great?

The thing that makes this game so wonderful is, again, the score and the sounds that happen when you jump from shape to shape. The background music is not dramatic in anyway; it's very peaceful and it gives you a sense of openness (it's the only way I can describe it.) When I play, the stick-man is jumping from one shape to another in a vacuum of space. There's no floor, ceilings or walls. It really ties the game together and sucks you into the world of Light It Up.

Another thing that makes the game so great is that the levels are all different, and that there are so many of them to play. I love coming back to the game after an update and seeing more levels for me to conquer! Plus the skins are pretty cool too. They are locked until you complete a certain requirement, which I like because you actually have to work for your skins, not just buying them outright.

There's has to be one thing you don't like?

I guess the only thing I don't like about this game is that you only have the ability to jump twice. I wish at higher levels you would be able to jump more (not unlimited jumps), but maybe an extra one on top of the two because it'd be nice to have an extra jump, just in case I misjudge a jump (like I usually do.)

Other than that, this game has won me over, with that way it presents itself and how to game handles.

Why play this game over another?

There's a lot of games out there to play, and I would choose Light It Up over most because it's simple to play and understand which means for people on the go, it's a great way to kill some time or if you just want to play a game but you don't want to deal with a long story or a big tutorial. The game is sleek to play and it's artwork and animation are very well done.

This game, to me, feels like someone worked on this game and they really put some effort into it; unlike some games where someone was forced to make it because they needed a "hot, new game" to come out. It's nice to play a game when you know someone can feel accomplished because they've made a great game!

JoeBro’s Rating:
We’ve finally reached that point in the post where I get to tear the game apart;
with love of course! While I do truly love this game, I’m not timid about saying what
I really think about a game.

So while you’re downloading the game here’s are my ratings:
(On a scale from 1 - 10)

Score: 9
Engagement/Entertainment: 10
Artwork: 9
Difficulty: 6
Controls: 7
Content: 7
Graphics: 10



Thank you so much for reading my blog post!
It really means a lot that you took the time out of your day to check me out! I hope this
review helped you decide whether Light It Up is the game for you!

Tune in next week when I review another game! Have a good day!

P.s. If you want me to review a game, leave a comment below

and I will definitely check it out!


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